
Binary Ninja Serie Announcement

Hello everyone! I’m excited to make my debut on this blog. Here, I’ll be sharing insights into my research, various projects, and my reflections. However, today’s post isn’t focused on those topics. Instead, I want to dive into Binary Ninja and let you know about an upcoming serie dedicated to it. I have a deep love for this tool, but I’ve noticed a shortage of blogs and tutorials covering it. While the existing documentation is helpful, it falls short in some aspects. Therefore, I’ve taken it upon myself to craft a series that delves into Binary Ninja in detail. In this introductory post, I’ll outline what you can expect to find in the series and clarify what won’t be covered.

So what can you expect?

I’ll start from the very basics, making it accessible even for newcomers. Experienced Binary Ninja users might find the initial posts skippable. My aim is to encompass everything, from using Binary Ninja effectively to understanding its inner workings well enough to contribute to Vector35’s repositories.

As of writing this, I consider myself reasonably proficient with Binary Ninja. Nonetheless, this blog will also serve as a platform for me to acquire new knowledge and enhance my understanding of the tool. This means that I might revise and update certain sections as I continue learning.

I’ll strive to maintain simplicity in my posts without compromising the quality of the content. While I’ll cover various aspects of Binary Ninja’s usage, I won’t be offering tutorials on reverse engineering or programming languages like Python and C (unless very specific cases). I’ll assume you already possess some familiarity with those topics.

This post marks the beginning of what I hope will be an extensive series. I’ll aim to post at least once a week, though I can’t make any concrete promises.

Stay tuned, and I’ll be back soon with more!

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.